Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Fostering creativity through a video platform

The 5 Principles for the Teaching of Adults

The teacher of adults has a different job from the one who teaches children. If you're teaching adult students, for the best results it's important to understand and practice five principles espoused by Malcolm Knowles, a pioneer in the study of adult learning. He observed that adults learn best when:
  1. They understand why something is important to know or do.
  2. They have the freedom to learn in their own way.
  3. Learning is experiential.
  4. The time is right for them to learn.
  5. The process is positive and encouraging.  Read more....

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Blended Learning

Infinite Thinking Machine looks at blended learning.

  • I suggest you browse Infinite Thinking Machine's You Tube channel for Educational Technology Ideas. It is an amazing resource that I am constantly stealing from. 
  • Blended Learning is a hybrid of the face to face classroom method and e-learning. 

  • The link to Innosight Institute paper on blended learning is below.

Please comment, leave suggestions or share a blended learning experience.

Thank you,
