Thursday, 18 September 2014

Technology ARGH!!!!

I am a pedagogical tech consultant for New Frontier School Board in Chateauguay, Quebec. My interested in utilizing any form of technology to enhance the learning system was the reason I was hired. I enjoy taking the time to find ways to apply apps,  blogs, and video to flip the classroom. I really enjoy learning and sharing this knowledge so it was a perfect fit.

 I am well aware of the time management of a teacher that often carries multiple roles in the school. They are often weighed down with the obvious preparation of lessons and grading but varying extra-curricular activities and the simple management of the school also contribute to the lack of time to play with technology. When they do take the time the obstacles can be a deterrent. "ARGH! " Might echo down the hallway.

I had the humbling experience of creating a powerpoint presentation with narration and music. This was a time consuming activity that lead to a singular frustrating moment. In that moment, my brain echoed some of my education colleagues' statements. ARGH!!! This Mac would would be an amazing frisbee! I went for a walk!

After a walk or maybe a dozen, I was able to ask another tech-head teacher for a fresh eyed look at the obstacles I was tapping my keyboard around. Fresh eyes...ahh! Revelations occurred! Solutions discovered! Pedagogical techniques in the work place! Hurrah! This Think Pair Share strategy helped me navigate the obstacle and the presentation's obstacle were overcome rather than me!

I love tech and I was briefly over come! But pairing up to find a solution created a successful outcome that generated a victory dance rather than the ominous "ARGH!!!" It is a great situation for me to reflect on because I am the Think Pair Share Tech-teacher for many teachers and will occasionally encounter 'this computer would make a great frisbee' colleague.

Here is the procedure I followed:

  1. Joined Haiku deck's free app.
  2. Played with the app!
  3. Found pictures that reflected the ideas I was stating and created a picture deck.
  4. Added text
  5. Download to Powerpoint!
  6. Opened Garageband. Narrated the text!
  7. Composed the music using the instrument samples provided (yes I did...I know crazy)
  8. downloaded it to powerpoint...NO NO NO NO! ilife??? I have to check it out with ilife! But I thought garageband was a part of ilife. Check! Check again! Look up. Look up again! try again!  Nope! Hypothesis! Sciencific Method! Nope!  What are they talking about? NONONONNO! ARGH! Frisbee thoughts!!! WALK!
  9. Kelly and I converse! Hypothesis to down load to itunes! No way! It works! Victory dance!
  10. Add audio media to the powerpoint. 
  11. play with duration of slides to match the audio!
  12. Save in varying formats!
  13. What format to email it in? Attempt 1 unsuccessful! two unsuccessful. Three unsuccessful! Kelly is included. She discovers Macro enabled show! Hurrah success! Think pair share is successful once again! Attempt six worked like a charm!
  14. Email the powerpoint...or so I thought...forgot to attach the file....oops!
  15. resend email! Success!
Now to figure out a way to embed the presentation on the blog! 

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